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CapQuest collecting a debt over 15 years old

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  • CapQuest collecting a debt over 15 years old

    Hello, I have just received a letter from the lovely Capquest informing me that they have purchased a debt from Abbey (now Santander) that I never even knew existed.

    I also received a transaction summary statement from Abbey yesterday dated 22/7/09 with a balance of £268.40, which Im presuming is an old balance as it says statement opening balance dated 1/10/2008, and more suspiciously it is addressed to me with my maiden name and an old boyfriend from 15 years ago. I think we had an account with them but as far as I was aware it was closed when we split up and this is the first, correspondance I have received from Abbey about it, never had a statement, a letter threatening action - nothing. If the debt is real, then it is obviously over 15 years old as it is in joint names with this old boyfriend and I can't see that anyone would be able to open an account in my old name as my credit history was so bad.

    It looks to me that an old debt has been ressurected and sold on to Crapquest. No notice of assignment letter from Abbey either. Crapquest won't give me details without me going through security and I got annoyed and told them to get stuffed as this debt is not mine and even if it was it is now statute barred. Thing is, what do I do to get rid of it or rather the stupid Crapquest??? It is not appearing on my credit file as obviously it is so old, but it has really annoyed me that it has just APPEARED out of the blue.....

  • #2
    Re: CapQuest collecting a debt over 15 years old

    First of all don't ring them ever. If you get any more hassle from them i would contact Trading Standards as they cannot chase this debt.
    Servo Fides


    • #3
      Re: CapQuest collecting a debt over 15 years old

      Hi Horsemaid

      Firstly, it seems that this debt could be over 6 years old and out of time and you say statute barred.

      So if you are writing to Capquest - be careful not to admit that this could be your debt or your boyfriends. I very much suspect they are stabbing in the dark on this one.

      See what CurlyBen has to say before you write as he is much more an expert than me in these matters.

      Tuttsi x


      • #4
        Re: CapQuest collecting a debt over 15 years old

        Statute barred guide and letters

        Morning x
        Dragging myself and my family back into the light with the help of Beagles.

        My Hardship Claim
        Me VS Abbey Win
        BIL HSBC Credit Card
        BIL EGG
        BIL HSBC Loan
        BIL PPI Win


        • #5
          Re: CapQuest collecting a debt over 15 years old

          Thanks all for your replies. Yes I know I have to be very careful about how to respond as I guess I could be opening up a big can of worms, wondering whether I should send a 'prove it' letter, but there again, I don't want to give them my married name or my new address, I maybe should just ignore the whole thing, the cheeky B**tards....


          • #6
            Re: CapQuest collecting a debt over 15 years old

            Hold fire and do NOWT until/if they write again.
            If they do then simply refer them to the debts status as SB'd ..


            • #7
              Re: CapQuest collecting a debt over 15 years old

              Ok, Thanks for that. Will keep you all posted.


              • #8
                Re: CapQuest collecting a debt over 15 years old

                I got a letter from them last week referring to an old Abbey account. no details of account, no details of assignment etc (in fact they even left a blank space where the details should have gone).

                I just wrote the standard " I do not acknowledge this debt" letter, and they wrote back this week, confirming that it was statute barred and the account was now closed. Seems they are trying it on all over the place at the moment.


                • #9
                  Re: CapQuest collecting a debt over 15 years old

                  Now there's a surprise, or not


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